Home Workout Space

Top 5 Tips to Crush Your Fitness Goals in 2018

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe we are already two weeks in to 2018!! How are those New Year’s Fitness Resolutions/Goals going?  It’s estimated that some 80% of us fall off the wagon and abandon our New Year’s Resolutions by mid-February.  I’ve spent the last couple weeks really thinking about the specific tools/tips that I use to keep myself and my clients on track to crush their fitness related goals.  Here are my top 5 tips to help you stay on track and crush your fitness goals this year!

Activity Tracker Image

  1. Invest in an activity tracker.  If you have a competitive streak, this one’s for you.  Start by wearing your activity tracker around for a week to become aware of times when you sit for hours on end, and to get a general sense for how many steps you take per day.  Next, set a step goal. You can always change (increase) it throughout the year! Soon you may find yourself parking further away from your office, walking in to Starbucks rather than driving through, taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.  All these extra steps add up over the course of 365 days!Home Workout Space
  2. Create a workout space at home. Let’s be real, there are going to be those days where you forget your gym bag, or you have to stay at the office late, or you only have 30 minutes in between commitments and just don’t have time to get to the gym.  Rather than skipping your workout all together, squeeze in a little body weight circuit or yoga sequence.  Having a few of your favorite pieces of equipment at home and in plain sight makes it harder to bail on your workout.
  3. Find an accountability partner. If you follow me on Instagram (@lizhurley_rd if ya don’t) you already know my S.O. (@mcraynor) and I go to the gym together more days than not.  On days where I’m feeling like I want to take the day off and bake, he’ll lace up his sneaks and head out for a run with me.  Having that person, whether it’s your friend, your S.O., your mom, your sister that holds you accountable can really make the difference on days when your motivation is at an all time low.  I know, I know, but what if your schedules don’t mesh and you can’t hit the gym together? Text each other! Even if your friend is in Cali and you’re in NC, knowing someone else is getting up with you to hit the gym before the crack of dawn can help.
  4. Make fitness dates. Long gone are the days of “let’s get drinks after work!” Instead, invite a friend (or a date!) to go for a walk, hit the gym, or try a new cycling or yoga class.  Instead of sitting around chatting and drinking wine (which definitely has it’s place – #balance) grab a cold brew or kombucha and head out for a stroll around downtown or a local park.  It can be fun to try a new workout with someone else whether it’s a total hit, or hilarious (have your seen me try to do zumba?), you’ll be making progress toward your fitness goals.  Walking the Dood
  5. Something is better than nothing. What #2-4 boil down to – a little movement during the day, every day, goes a long way.  A 1 mile walk with the dog, a 10 minute loop around the building at lunch, a 10 minute core routine while dinner is in the oven — these all count as movement! And these little 10 minute spurts here and there throughout the day or week really add up over the course of a year.

Any other tips and tricks you use to stay on track? Share them with us in the comments or tag @lizhurley_rd on Instagram.  Happy Goal Setting!