This is the sign you've been looking for

Part 1: This is the Sign You’ve Been Looking For

I realized a couple weeks ago it’s been about 6 months since I last posted a blog, holy cow! A lot has changed since June and I’m so excited to share it with you. This post is for the “yes” man/woman, the overachiever, the chronic over-committer (or as I like to call it, “over filling your plate”), and anyone else out there currently thinking they can’t achieve their health and fitness goals because they don’t have time. One thing to note before I share this story with you – everyone is different – much of what I’m going to describe are general habit and mindset changes, but it’s important to remember we are all unique and different in wonderful ways and what works for me and my life may not work for you, and that is totally ok!! My hope in sharing my journey with you is to inspire you to make changes you may be scared to make and to show that even someone who looks like they have it all together, sometimes, does not.

The Back Story

If you don’t know me well, you may not know that I am a over-committer. I’m terrified of disappointing others, especially people that I admire or look up to. I say “yes,” even when I know I shouldn’t, to opportunities and commitments.  Earlier this year I had an “ah ha” moment of sorts when I was period-less for 5 months, gaining weight like it was going out of style, my face was a mess (dark circles, tons of breakouts), and I wasn’t happy.  I realized that I had somehow moved so far away from key habits and traits that I thought of as traditionally “Liz” things (things that make me, me).  Activities I enjoyed (running, knitting, reading, camping) I hadn’t done in months because I “didn’t have time.”  I had over-committed and put everyone else’s goals and needs before my own. All the habits and choices I encouraged my clients to incorporate were at the very bottom of my to do list.  I wasn’t living. Slowly all of my favorite clothes didn’t fit anymore, I went to a couple of functions over the summer and old friends and family genuinely didn’t even recognize me.  That last part was a HUGE slap in the face, I began to think, is it worth it? Is another award, a certain position, or another opportunity worth my health and happiness? (Hint: the answer should always be no)

Step 1: Slow Down & Relax

So, I started slowly working to clear my plate a bit, I made choices and changes to my schedule and list of commitments, many of which were incredibly hard to make. Guys, like SO hard, tears were involved. I had many nights where I stayed awake worrying about how my choices would affect the way people thought of me. I made changes to my work schedule so I’d have more time to sleep, be active, actually have at least one day off of work each week, and to generally decrease my stress level.  I spent about 3 months this summer just trying to slow down.  I started reading tons (see my list below of my favorite books if you’re looking for a hefty dose of motivation) and sleeping more than I have since before college (if you haven’t gotten 9 hours of sleep in a while, get you some of that).

My Reading List:

  1. Present Over Perfect: If you’re an over-committer this one is a must read.
  2. You Are A Badass: Sincero is the best friend you’ve always wanted when trying to chase your dreams.  Seriously I wanted to conquer the world after reading this book and/or highlight the whole thing.
  3. Girl, Wash Your Face: Rachel Hollis has the most inspiring story and if you’re looking for an instant dose of inspiration go follow her on Instagram, and then read this book!
  4. Thrive: If you love research and data, this one is for you! Huffington gives you all the facts.

A few of my other faves are pictured below!

My Summer Reading List

My Go To Self Care Activities:

  • Reading
  • Knitting
  • Face masks
  • No phone walks
  • Sleeping at least 8 hours
  • Watching a fun/light show or movie
  • Spending time outside
  • Manicures/Pedicures
  • Meditation (I like the Insight Timer app)

This is the sign you've been looking for

Why am I telling you all this?

If you’ve been thinking about making a change, saying “I’ll start tomorrow,” or feeling like you can’t do it, this is your sign! I’ve heard from so many clients, patients, and friends that they want to make changes but don’t have time, or they aren’t happy at their job, or they feel so far from their best self.  Making changes is HARD, it can be scary, and if you’re a people pleaser, worrying what other will think about you “putting your health first” can be debilitating.  But guys, it’s SO worth it.  They don’t have to be big changes and if you’re like me and you’re always running around like a chicken with your head chopped off step 1 is slowing down and relaxing (yes, sometimes this might mean taking a break from the workouts and sleeping in).

I challenge you to pick one thing you enjoy and find relaxing (reading, knitting, walking, baking, or one of my self care faves I listed earlier) and incorporate it this week! Later this week I’ll be sharing why it’s ok to want to lose weight (to a certain extent) and what fitness and nutrition changes I’ve made recently. Spoiler: I’ve been eating more carbs, counting my macros (most days), I’ve still had all my favorite foods (aka cake and chocolate and gluten free bread), & I’ve only been to the gym 3 times in 5 weeks.  


The result of only 2 months of habit changes (the pic on the left is early October 2018, and the right is December 2nd 2018).


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3 thoughts on “Part 1: This is the Sign You’ve Been Looking For”

  1. Thank you for this post, Liz! Really inspiring and such a motivating read for a fellow “people-pleaser.” It definitely is hard to give your 100% to others when you’re running on empty yourself.

    1. I never want to say I’m “so happy” you can relate, because I never want anyone to feel this way! But I’m glad sharing this helped you!! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Part 2: How Counting Macros Changed My Outlook on Weight Loss | Liz Hurley RD

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