When I was in high school I ran cross country, indoor track, outdoor track, and I swam in the summer and winter seasons. There was not one week where I didn’t exercise 5+ days/week. Throughout college I remained relatively active and by the end of college I qualified for the Boston Marathon and was teaching or taking 8-10 group fitness classes/week. My point: I live to move. It can be as simple as moving around the kitchen cooking or as intense as running a marathon, movement makes me happy and has always been a huge part of my life. I started my career as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer about 8 years ago and turned my passion for movement into something I could use to help others find ways to incorporate more movement into their lives, and enjoy it.
Sept. 2018 Dec. 2018
2018: The least active year of my life
So, it may come as a surprise to hear that in 2018 I think there was a period where I didn’t exercise for months. Let me paint a picture for you that may sound familiar, and if it does, keep reading, this post is for YOU. At the start of 2018, I said “yes” a few too many times and set some lofty personal goals. I was looking at my planner, thinking about my schedule, and in the back of my head I thought “what is going to happen if I actually have more on my plate than I can do?” I brushed those thoughts aside and the perfectionist and people pleaser in me pushed on. For the first 6 weeks of 2018, I was a machine. I trained clients, I taught college students, I saw patients, I taught group fitness classes and I loved it. I could feel myself getting more and more tired, stressed, and resentful by the day. Want to know what happens when you have more on your plate than is actually possible to do? For me, all self care went out the window. Movement, out the window. Eating well, out the window. Relaxing and doing activities I loved, out the window. I realized I really wasn’t happy with the direction I was headed but I didn’t have the courage to stop and ask for help, and I didn’t know how. At work I was bubbly, enthusiastic, and always had my best foot forward but the moment I stepped through my door at home I was on the couch, in 10 year old wal mart sweat pants, watching Scandal and crying about how tired I was. I not only stopped running, but I stopped doing any exercise of any kind. Movement was something, at the time, I deemed “not important” and it moved off the to do list completely. No matter how much sleep I got it wasn’t enough. I sporadically went to yoga but most days the idea of holding myself up in a plank sounded exhausting. From April to October I did little to no exercise. The result? In 2018 I gained over 15 pounds. This is a story I’m not proud to share with you but I want anyone that can to learn from my mistakes. Your body and your health should never be on the back burner. You only get one body and it’s the only thing in life you will always have.
Your body, and your health, should never be on the back burner.
The solution
So, how’d I fix this? I finally took the advice I give patients and clients every. single. day. First, I did a little environment overhaul (details on that here). Second, I just started eating things that made me feel good and thought maybe if I just felt a little better I’d be ready to work out again (more on that here)*. Third, I rolled out a beach towel on our living room floor one night, and I started moving.
It took 4-5 simple decisions one after another each night for me to accomplish my workout and all of them were before the workout even started.
I started by working out every other day (honestly, because I was too sore workout two days in a row – lol) for just 25-45 minutes. After work each workout day I put on my workout shoes, rolled out a beach towel, put on my iPod shuffle from college with some serious hype tunes, and just did 1 plank. Once I got that far, I was in, I was going to finish the workout. My point? It took 4-5 simple decisions one after another each night for me to accomplish my workout and all of them were before the workout even started. A lot of days I really didn’t (and still sometimes don’t, if I’m being honest) want to workout. I’d walk into our bedroom to change and I’d stand their for a minute. I’d think about how I’d feel if I chose not to workout (disappointed), and I’d say in my head “What if I just put on my workout shoes?” and I’d put them on. Then, I’d think “ok, I’m gonna give it a whirl” and I’d roll out my beach towel. I’d put on my headphones and think “even if I just do some planks it’s better than nothing” and I’d start with one plank. Then I was golden, I was doing it!

I have a Y membership, but for me that extra step of motivating myself to drive to the gym wasn’t in the cards at first. If that feels true for you too, you need a towel, clothes you can comfortably workout in, a phenomenal playlist, and less than 30 minutes at your house and I have some news for you – that at home workout is just as good as any workout done in a gym!! A plank is a plank no matter where you do it. Here’s some at home equipment I’d recommend accumulating over time if at home workouts are something you feel would be helpful for you*:
- A mat or long towel that you can use for floor exercises, especially if you have hardwood floors.
- A hype playlist. Make a playlist that gets you fired up, makes you happy, and motivates you. I never thought I’d be the kind of person that can disconnect from what I “need to do” at home and be completely immersed in my at home workouts but with the right playlist I am in. the. zone.
- Dumbbells. I started with a 5lb set and Michael had a set of weights where you can add/subtract plates to change their weight that I’ve been using. I’d recommend starting with 1 lighter set and then as you progress purchasing two more sets – 1 for upper body exercises and a heavier set for lower body exercises.
- Resistance bands. Man, these puppies are brutal. I’ve linked the ones I have here but any set will do!
- TRX. I have been teaching TRX classes since college and I love using TRX exercises in most of my workouts. It’s a super great tool for a total body workout with minimal space. I’ve linked the one we have here.
That’s it!! That’s all I’ve been using to workout the last 2.5 months or so. However, starting with body weight and a towel is the way to go, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve worked out. Contrary to what we might see on social media/TV, you don’t need to buy anything to have a good workout! I highly recommend working with a trainer (I know a great one) or going to a few reputable group fitness classes to make sure your form is on point before rocking it out at home. If you have any medical conditions consult with your doctor before starting a workout routine!
How I measure progress
I used a few metrics to measure my progress. 1) The weights I used. You might not use any at first and that’s ok! I had a set a 5 pound weights that were rocking my world at first and now I’m up to 12-15 pounds in each hand when I do various movements. 2) Planks. Like I mentioned earlier in my first workout I could barely hold 1 plank for 30 seconds. Fast forward about 5-6 weeks – I held a plank for 60 seconds 4 times in a row and I was so pumped I had Michael take a video for documentation. 3) Push ups. Man, push ups are elusive to me, anyone else? Even in the peak of my fitness in my early 20s I struggled with them. With clients, I always have them start with their upper body elevated, for example, on a bar on a squat rack or a bench, to allow them to go through the full range of motion without the challenge of being almost parallel to the ground. So, I did that. We have a ledge in our apartment and the first time I included push ups in a workout I did them with my hands on that ledge and I was SO sore for days. Today, January 5th, I did 5 FULL PUSH UPS in my workout, on the floor, where my chest/nose got so close to the ground. I also videoed for documentation (saved on my Instagram highlights).
The results (so far)
Since around October 20th I’ve lost 10 pounds, gone down 3 pants sizes, I can now do a full on push up, multiple minute long planks, and most importantly, I feel amazing. I throughly enjoyed my holidays (yes, Christmas cookies, wine, and all) and maintained my weight which was a huge win for me. I measured my lean body mass and body fat percentage before I started this journey, but don’t plan to do a follow up till about the 6 month mark. Stay tuned! I promise to share some of my favorite exercises and at home workouts over the next few weeks!
If you made it this far I hope you are: 1) motivated and 2) inspired to roll out a beach towel and move around! It doesn’t matter how “out of shape” you feel or how much time you have – you can do this, too! The hardest part is getting started and I hope my story has helped you to take the leap and move your own health to the top of your to do list. Questions? Comments? Leave them below, I’d love to hear from you!!
The hardest part is getting started and I hope my story has helped you to take the leap and move your own health to the top of your to do list.
*Also, I feel I have to share this with y’all – In October 2018 Michael and I got engaged and it was the best day of my life for so many reasons. After, I had this intense motivation to continue to make the changes I knew I needed to. Not only because I wanted to feel confident when we get married, but because I want to bring my best self to our marriage. I am so motivated to be the most kind, healthy, positive version of myself I can be by the time I walk down the aisle. For me it’s about so much more than “looking good on my wedding day,” it’s about feeling my best and bring the best version of myself to our marriage for me, but also for him.
*This post includes affiliate link(s), meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn commission if you click through and make a purchase. I only endorse products that I absolutely love. Questions? Read more here.
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